Gunmir - The Planet of the Wolf
The Magni race believe that their Creator, Tyr, formed Gunmir as a frozen stone that would survive the collision with the rival worlds, thus destroying their enemies forever. When the war is won, The Great Wolf will breathe on Gunmir, thawing the planet into an eternal paradise for his beloved Magni people.
Tyr, also called The Great Wolf by the Magni
Gunmir, a cold, dense planet
The Magni
Valik Son of Vali
Warrior in the clan of the Last Men
Lara Ylvald
Warrior in the clan of the Last Men, great-great-granddaughter of Ylva the Beautiful
Dag Son of Mikael
Archer in the clan of the Last Men
The Last Men
A Magni clan that inhabits Heimsgar and its surrounding areas, defenders of the passage to the Valley of the Spirit
Halvor Son of Jary
Warrior in the clan of the Last Men
Rolf Son of Asmund
Chieftain of the clan of The Last Men, husband of Asta
Goran Son of Gunne
Storyteller, husband of Margit
Female blacksmith
Elise Ylvald
Younger sister of Lara, training to be a shaman healer
Odd the Dead Man
Pale and hairless warrior found naked in the snow by The Last Men, suffers from severe memory loss
The Last Men’s largest warrior
The Guardians
Storm mages, protectors of the Valley of the Spirit
Wolf, companion to Valik